full speed ahead: Next Steps for California hsr webinar sponsorships
21st Century Transportation Under Construction in California
webinar sponsorships
This Webinar is the first in a series on U.S. high speed rail development.
California's top transportation officials will outline how they plan to spend $4.2 billion advancing California HSR, plus as much as $7.65 billion on the statewide rail network.
Sponsor the webinar!
webinar series sponsor
This is an exclusive series sponsorship for 3 webinars
•This sponsorship is for 3 webinars. 2 additional webinars are in the works now and will be announced soon. All the benefits listed here will be included for all 3 webinars
•Listed as the Event Sponsor for all 3 webinars in all Webinar marketing materials including announcements, emails, and newsletters; with a clickable company logo on the Webinar website pages
•Sponsors will have the opportunity to make a one-minute, company overview opening remark at start of each Webinar
•Sponsors will have the opportunity to show a 30-second company promo video during each Webinar, and in the newsletter announcement
•Company logo shown during each Webinar
•Special company profile sent out world-wide by USHSR newsletter prior to each Webinar
•Company logo, overview remarks, and video will be included in each webinar recording, which will be distributed afterwards to tens of thousands of industry leaders through USHSR newsletters
•Sponsor receives each Webinar attendee list
•20 free passes to each Webinar
Be the Webinar Series Event Sponsor!
GOLD sponsor
(2 available)
•Listed as a Gold Sponsor in all Webinar marketing materials including all announcements, emails, newsletters, and website pages
•Sponsors will have the opportunity to make a 30-second, company overview opening remark at start of Webinar; or alternatively, show a 30-second company promo video
•Company logo shown during Webinar
•Company logo and remarks/video will be included in webinar recording, which will be distributed afterwards to tens of thousands of industry leaders through USHSR newsletters
•15 free passes to webinar
Go for the Gold!
silver sponsor
(3 available)
•Listed as a Silver Sponsor in all Webinar marketing materials including all announcements, emails, newsletters, and website pages
•Company logo shown during Webinar
•Company logo will be included in webinar recording, which will be distributed afterwards to tens of thousands of industry leaders through USHSR newsletters
•10 free passes to webinar
Sponsor Silver!
partner sponsor
5 available
•Company logo listed in all Webinar marketing materials including all announcements, emails, newsletters, and website pages
•Company logo shown during Webinar
•Company logo will be included in webinar recording, which will be distributed afterwards to tens of thousands of industry leaders through USHSR newsletters
•Sponsor receives Webinar attendee list
•3 free passes to Webinar
Partner With Us!
High speed rail is happening in California! Hear the latest from the top state transportation officials. Get involved in the project today!
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