High Speed Rail is the World's Safest Form of Transportation
hsr saves LIVES
hsr delivers the safest transport
High Speed Rail is the world's safest form of transportation proven by decades of operations all around the world.
Japan was the first nation to build high speed rail in 1964, and has since transported 10 billion passengers without a single injury or fatality! France has a similar record with their 30 years of high speed rail operations, as do a number of other countries.
In stark contrast to high speed rail, cars are the most dangerous form of transportation in the world! With constant carnage all across America, our car system kills as many people as a 911 terrorist attack happening every month, month after month, year after year!
43,000 people are killed every year
in car accidents in America.
It's quite shocking how little is done about the constant death and destruction taking place on our highways every day. In contrast, we mobilized on a massive scale in reaction to 911 and launched the 'war on terror' and have spent some $3 trillion to date.
The same kind of large-scale federal response is long over-due for the U.S. transportation system.
Car accidents in the U.S. cause 1 death every 11 minutes,and an injury every 18 seconds.
High speed rail saves lives, and is proven safer than all other modes of transport. Now is the time for major federal investments in high speed rail.
Now is the time to move America into the 21st century with safe, fast, green transportation!
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