hsr station design jobs
HSR Creates Many Architecture Jobs Designing New Stations
millions of good architecture jobs in hsr
Help bring high speed rail to America! Participate in the exciting new high speed rail industry rapidly taking shape. Get involved in the nation's new HSR projects underway in California, Texas, Florida, Nevada, Seattle, and other regions.
As a member of USHSR, you will be part of the new smart transportation economy taking shape in multiple states across the country. Your membership helps accelerate the development of HSR and builds support for major rail investments across America.
Working with its members, USHSR's mission is to build widespread public, business, and political support for a major investment in a national high speed rail network - bringing the nation into the 21st century. Join the mission today!
jobs in construction
Creating millions of good paying jobs, and a whole new rail, construction, and development industry.u.s. manufacturing
Brings back US manufacturing jobs and vast supply chains making the many components for HSR.system design jobs
Numerous jobs created in system design and engineering, technology, and component design.operations jobs
High speed rail creates an entirely new industry with good paying permanent jobs operating the system.station design
Numerous architecture and station design jobs created, as well as interior design and station planning.consulting jobs
There are many specialty consultant jobs created to design, construct, and operate a new HSR system.urban design & tod
HSR stimulates investment in new communities around rail stations, which all need to be planned and designed.real estate jobs
HSR will stimulate the next national real estate boom creating walkable communities around stations.maintenance jobs
A new national rail network creates many good paying permanent jobs maintaining the track and systems.planning jobs
HSR stimulates land planning & development into compact, smart growth clusters around stations.donate today
Help bring high speed rail to America so everyone can start riding and living clean, green, and comfortable.join ushsr
Join USHSR today and be part of the future! Help accelerate the rollout of HSR across America.
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